Friday, August 8, 2014

One Small Step for a Fit Future... One Giant Leap for the Current Me!

So yeah sorry about the delay in posts I will try to make sure that doesn't become a nasty habit. ( If you haven't already checked out my first fitness blog that sets all this up check it out here !!)
The past weeks course load, work and gym time interfered unfortunately. So now I will catch y'all up to date on the happenings and my progress so far.

A few weeks ago was my 4th and last zumba class (and group classes in general) least for the next few weeks. See my amazing school Florida State is where I take all the amazing group fit classes and fortunately for my brain but unfortunately for my gym schedule the classes are cancelled until the fall semester starts up.


Here I am urging myself to be confident and smiling for a selfie!

 I know I could pay for classes elsewhere and one day, I will have to, but right now this broke college cheapskate cant afford that! So here we are in an awkward in between phase of my work out routine. I took a little brake the last 10 days during finals followed by sickness (who gets a horrible cold in the summer?) So that only added to my total discombobulation. 
I think what I hate the most about this in between time is I was just starting to really catch on and get the flow of the classes and I don't really love the idea of having to regain that in a month. But hey, I started it once before and can do it again. Though in all honesty I probably won't be hitting the group fit classes as hard this fall, my stick with yoga and then do some others occasionally just to mix it up and here's  why....

Tonight I had my own "last supper". My diet during finals and sickness has been cereal, salsa and chips (at least that was organic and gluten free), instant mashed potatoes and soup. (resist the urge to applaud my oh so healthy choices). Since I have this time as a sort of break before my (FINAL) semester at FSU starts I decided it was the perfect time to try something I have been looking into for a couple months now! So...

Tomorrow I start Herbalife

I have seen quite a few peers of mine use this program and have seen fantastic results so I decided to give it a go! To be honest it was bit pricey for me and my "penny pincher" ways but my wonderful mother helped chip in to get me started. (It is so great to have her as my support system). I really plan on documenting how this is going through out this process so y'all will know whether I think it was worth it or not and you so can see for yourself the results and make up your mind if you wanna give it a go yourself )if you are looking for a program to start).
I think one of my favorite things that this program has (a little soon to say the favorite since I don't start till tomorrow) is that it also came with a suggested eating plan and work out guide to help you reach your optimal results. This made me super stoked because I was really looking for some structure. I have been trying for months to get where I wanted to be and the scale hasnt moved in a long time and I am not seeing much of a difference and I know its not the lack of effort just the lack of knowledge. 
There were a few work outs on the program I am not sure how to do so I will be checking with my personal trainer friends as the gym where I work and will post on what I find out about the work outs! With the workout plan in hand now I will be limiting my weekly group fit classes however the program leaves  two rest days and they say you can fill one with some other exercise if you prefer so I will probably throw one in there every week! Also I really love that the eating plan has plenty of structure with out being to rigid to where you have no flexibility. I feel trapped on programs like that. 

So here's to a new adventure, some new tastes (hopefully good!), and taking the next step in my fit future!! Promise to keep you updated on the process my Littles!


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