Friday, July 18, 2014

A Little Bit About Me

First things first, I am a recovering perfectionist... I had the hardest time in life accepting not being able to do something. I have always been that way. My parents love to tell the story of how at just over 2 years old I managed to make my mother late to pick up my big brother from school because I absolutely had to buckle my own shoe *spoiler alert* I buckled that shoe! So pretty much that was the start of it all. Now being a perfectionist can be a fantastic thing, and also has a ton of advantages. The bad part is the negativity that comes with feeling like you failed. I used to give up on things before I really started. I would try once and if I didn't have a natural knack for it then I tended to just not do it again because I hate not being good at something! I realized recently something  totally astonishing  completely obvious, and that's this... You miss out on a lot of things if you give up on them just because you aren't awesome at them from the beginning. I put off starting this blog for months for being afraid of not being any good at it. Just like anything else I was afraid of failing at, if I never started it then I never had to feel the pain and anxiety of failing. So what started out as sticking with a yoga class even though I couldn't touch my toes, has developed into taking the plunge and starting this blog. So this blog is to celebrate the gifts I have, the skills I have already honed and the adventure that will come with all the new uncertainties I face. It's also about excepting that I will discover who I am,what I am good at, and what I enjoy A Little At a Time.
